Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Why chasing goals is fleeting, and leaves most people unhappy and unfulfilled

Why chasing goals is fleeting, and leaves most people unhappy and unfulfilledWhy chasing goals is fleeting, and leaves most people unhappy and unfulfilledWant to know what it feels like to achieve a massive goal?It feels like you were the last one at the party to get the joke.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreGoals are funny. In your mind, they are these distant carrots we choose for ourselves, working tirelessly toward their achievement. We as humans inherently believe the way we feel during our pursuit is how we will feel once our hands are wrapped around the trophy, except better.We see goals as a euphoria that, once captured, will never leave.The truth is, the high you get from achieving a goal usually lasts all of 12seconds.As soon as you reach that goal, its bedrngnis so much glory that you feel, but this strange realization that who you thought you were going to become was who you already were.I remember back when I had just graduated from college, and even years after, when I would look around at people I viewed as successful and pinpoint certain things about them I wanted to have.I wanted to live life on my own terms and be an entrepreneur.I wanted to make a certain amount of money.I wanted to associate myself with certain types of people.I wanted what they had.In my mind, I viewed the gap between them and me as this big, wide ocean. It seemed so wide that I struggled to understand how I was going to be able to overcome that gap, and become something more so that I could become successful too.So, I set goals formyselfAnd every time I would achieve a goal, almost instantaneously a bigger one would take its place. Like Tetris blocks that continued to click into place and then disappear, I failed to ever feel any real sense of achievement. Sure, I felt good for a moment. Or I was proud of myself for a day. But as soon as I reached a new height, suddenl y my imagination opened a little bit wider, and I realized the goal I had set for myself had actually been pretty small?- ?and there was a much larger one there on the horizon.Or I was proud of myself for a day. But as soon as I reached a new height, suddenly my vision opened a little bit wider, and I realized the goal I had set for myself had actually been pretty small?- ?and there was a much larger one there on the horizon.It has taken me a long time to learn thatachievementisnt the thing youreafterWhat youre after is the feeling you feel as you pursue something you care about. Because once you reach it, that feeling leaves you. Theres no reason for you to continue. And while it feels relaxing for a moment, the feeling that follows is actually disconnection, or nostalgia. You miss the journey you just completed. Youve closed a chapter, and now its time to say goodbye.This is part of the reason why I think its so important for people to focus on the journey and not the destination. To say youre after the destination is to say, I cant wait until Im done playing this game. Well then what are you playing for in the first place?The whole point is to play, to enjoy the process. The moment you reach the final level, defeat the final boss, and have nothing left to do, is the moment you lose your love for playing at all.And thats not inspiring or exciting.That can actually be quite sad.This article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 27, 2019

Top 3 Ways to Get More People to See Your Legal Resume

Top 3 Ways to Get More People to See Your Legal ResumeTop 3 Ways to Get More People to See Your Legal ResumePromoting your professional skills via a legal resume entails much more than following the legal employment tips found on your law schools website. Getting the best results when posting a law resume on LinkedIn or Simply Hired, or when applying for legal jobs at large firms or corporations, requires following specific practices that often arent intuitive and that even top candidates can have a hard time grasping.Here are three techniques to help you get more resume views via job boards, on LinkedIn, and at larger law firms or companies that capture resumes in applicant tracking systems (ATS).1. Add keywords throughout.If your legal resume doesnt use the correct keywords - repeatedly - few people will see it. Resumes get viewed based on how many times relevant keywords appear. For example, if a law firm searches a job board for attorneys in the New York City area, even if ther e are thousands of kompetenzprofil candidates, the firm may see only the top 50 to 100. (This also happens when employers search their own ATS for law resumes.) The legal resumes that get viewed are the ones with the most keywords. Many people fail to add enough keywords to their resumes - so if you wrote your own, it pays to review the frequency and placement of keywords before posting the resume.Critical keywords for law resumes include titles and elements of legal jobs. Words like leadership or communication skills wont help you be seen. (Also, just about everyone claims these qualities. Its better to illustrate that you have these traits with specific examples.) Instead, repeat common words from postings of law job openings.Reiterate job titles, such asattorney, associate, litigator and paralegal. If you havent held these titles, try working them into job descriptions Worked with senior attorney/associate on projects including ...Also repeat words describing job elements, inclu dinglegal research, legal writing and case law. Use these in your resumes headline, opening section, job descriptions and wherever theyll fit without sounding awkward, stilted or clumsily redundant.Its also a good idea to use several terms related to the kind of legal job you want. Every employer uses different words, even for the same types of law jobs. So, to cover your bases, you need to include every similar description you can. For instance, if youre looking for litigation-area legal employment, potential employers will certainly search on litigation, so this word should be repeated 5 to 10 times. But you will also want to squeeze in other terms employers are likely to add defense, depositions, settlements, negotiation, research, investigation and so forth.2. Summarize.To further boost keyword hits while highlighting your legal employment qualifications, add an opening summary. Its another opportunity to reiterate major keywords and simultaneously tailor your legal resume to pa rticular jobs.A strong keyword-rich opener for an entry-level attorney job description could look like this Promoted from legal intern to summer associate and worked with associates/attorneys on litigation preparation/litigation support.3. List strengths.Include areas of legal employment experience or training, emphasizing strengths and including concisely worded examples. This is a perfect way to repeat keywords and another opportunity to showcase your most relevant strengths for specific law jobs. Succinct lists are fine, but dont put them in a table. Most ATS systems, which are used by corporations and many large law firms, cant read tables.Even if you have a strong legal resume, it still may not get noticed by the search engines so integral to the legal hiring process today. By deftly incorporating keywords as you follow these three tips to help optimize your legal resume, you will substantially increase the number of times youre seen by resume reviewers - which can only boost your chances of being hired.Have more tips on optimizing legal resumes or winning legal employment? Share them in the comments below.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to Ask What Are You Doing After Graduation

How to Ask What Are You Doing After GraduationHow to Ask What Are You Doing After GraduationYoure a soon-to-be college graduate home for the weekend before your senior year spring semester finals. You run into your friends mother at the supermarket who asks, Where are you working after graduation?This questions intent is simply curiosity and innocent inquiry. But it can feel more like the beginning of an inquisition and a source of ulcer-inducing worry for soon-to-be college graduates.If you are a curious parent who runs into a student or even a college student who wants to know the direction of your peers lives, what is the best way to ask this question while being respectful about different choices?Why Wording MattersAccording to The Daily Caller, only 14% of new graduates in 2015 procured a job before they graduated. If you phrase your inquiry by asking people where they will be working you rely on a number of assumptions.Assumption 1 This college student has chosen to work right after graduating as opposed to taking some time to travel, a hiatus between school and his or her next degree or beginning his or her job hunt after graduation.Assumption 2 This student knows exactly what he or she wants to do and has his or her life all figured out. While seemingly dramatic, asking someone where he or she is working predisposes this individual knows the type of position he or she wants to pursue. A college students major may leid correlate with what he or she is interested in after graduation, and this individual might need time to explore and confirm interests.Assumption 3 This person has already found and confirmed his or her role.Graduates, even fellow college students may fall in this trap of asking the question incorrectly. I guarantee at least one person will ask Where are you working after graduation?How to Ask the QuestionWhether a parent or a student, whatever you do, do not ask Where are you working?To avoid seeming judgmental, there are two preferable wa ys to ask the questionWhat are you looking forward to after you graduate?This invites a positive context surrounding the topic and shows that youre open to any response ranging from the individual already having confirmed a job to the student planning some time for relaxation. You phrase your question in a way that doesnt seem pushy or bring up resentful feelings for the recipient.What are you doing after you graduate?While not the best version, this is a preferable question since it excludes any specific mention of a job.Students begin their job hunts at different times. While there is a general time frame during which students begin the job application process, that doesnt necessarily mean the individual will find a job instantly or even that the person knows exactly what he or she wants to do. Within industries there are many different directions and roles an individual could pursue.The graduation question exacerbates an already stressful process and uncomfortable topic for those who dont yet have a job, so phrasing is key.How to ReactAnd just as important as the actual question is your response. If someone admits to difficulty finding a job or says he or she doesnt know what is next in life, remember to stay upbeat in your response. Confirm to this individual that its OK to not know and explore, and there is really no time limit that should be established. Express that an individuals choice is exciting and dont just respond with Oh, youll find something. Confirm that this person should not worry even if he doesnt have secure post-grad plans. I can guarantee that he or she is concerned enough without you reinforcing these fears.If you are the parent and your new grad already has a job, you should be humble about your childs accomplishments. Sometimes excitement can seem like bragging. You dont want to rub salt in a wound for those who are having difficulty finding a job.Some Final AdviceThe job search process is difficult, especially for new graduates who a re juggling their final semester of college and the job hunt. New grads also dont have the job hunting experience of a seasoned professional. It is important for new and soon-to-be graduates to be proactive in their job hunt, but dont let the job search or parents and peers questions be stress-inducing. Your final semester in college should be full of enjoyment. Make the most of your last days. While you should be cognizant and begin your job hunt, contrary to popular belief, you do not have to already have a job upon graduating.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Marketing Strategy for Pet Shops

Marketing Strategy for Pet ShopsMarketing Strategy for Pet ShopsCreating an effective marketing strategy for a pet shop doesnt have to cost a paw and a leg. In fact, there are a number of creative, low-cost options available. All it takes is some imagination, a stick-to-it attitude, old-fashioned common sense and the ability to think outside the box. Start by being clear about your goals when formulating a marketing strategy, the audience you want to reach, plus what the pet shops specific strengths are, and how to capitalize on them. Here are some more factors to consider for marketing a pet shop, which cost little or nothing. Make a Great Impression at All Times Always respond to e-mails in a prompt, courteous manner. Be mindful of how you answer the phone.Its not enough to just be polite to your pet shops customers. Its also important to be nice to the guy on the street, the lady in the supermarket whose cart accidentally bumps into yours, restaurant waitstaff and everyone els e with whom you come into contact in your daily activities. The way you treat people on a continual basis, in every aspect of your life, is an important part of your professional and personal brand, which Ill get into momentarily, plus integral to marketing a pet shop. It may also be a good idea to devise a professional and personal mission statement. This will enable you to maintain a specific focus when creating a marketing plan for your pet shop. Getting Tech Savvy as Part of Your Marketing Strategy There are many low or no-cost options to market a geschftsleben available through the Internet, such as BlogsBusiness listing sitesSocial MediaE-mail newslettersEven this site Ask every person who comes into your pet store for their e-mail addresses and enters them into a database. If youre not tech savvy, assign a staff member to take care of this. Or take a course.High schools and community colleges almost always have continuing ed courses in this. No matter what, be sure to cap italize on the Internet. Not only is this a must-have tool for any business, the Net offers tons of low-cost, creative ways to market a pet shop. Become the Go-to Pet Expert As I mentioned in my article about starting a pet store, privately owned pet shops actually have many advantages over the big-box and general merchandise stores that carry pet products. Notably, one has the freedom to choose unique products and supplies. Begin by carrying products not found elsewhere in your region, then learn as much as you can about these. Some examples of the kinds of products you could carry include premium natural dog and cat food brands. As these are difficult to find in supermarkets and the big pet store franchises, this is something you may want to consider. Network, Network, Network This is not just about attending business events and exchanging business cards, in the hopes that this will bring more traffic to your pet shop. Marketing a pet shop, or any kind of business for that m atter, is about being out and about and establishing mutually beneficial relationships with others, above and beyond the business goals for your pet shop. Get Involved in the Community Of course, you do want to join local business groups, such as your areas chamber of commerce.But its good to think outside the box when marketing a pet shop. You might consider orchestrating or at least helping with community cleanups, becoming involved in a local school group, charities, and other organizations through which you can establish relationships with others in your area. Remember, you and your pet shop - are a part of the community. Any given community is comprised of individuals. Be one who gets involved and gives back, not just as part of your pet shop marketing plan, but because you genuinely care and want to help the community. Be Consistent and Persistent Whether youve been in business for five minutes or 50 years, new pet shop marketing strategies are not going to catch on o vernight. You have to work it, repeatedly. For example, if you decide to produce a newsletter, come up with a specific schedule for this and stick to it. Whether you decide to do this once a week or once a month, always get it out at the same time. Offer Above and Beyond Customer Service Garner as much knowledge as you can about your products, services, and the pets you provide these for. Enthusiasm and belief in your products and services and yourself are also key elements of any pet shop marketing plan. Genuinely caring about your customers and the well-being of their pets goes without saying, but Ill say it anyway. Branding An effective marketing plan for any business also involves establishing a brand, a distinct identity for an enterprise. Belief in your pet shop, your products, and/or services, as well as yourself, are very important. As part of your pet shop marketing plan, think about what you have to offer that others dont, and how you can capitalize on this in ways t hat benefit pets, and the people who love them. Above all, ensure a quality experience, across the board, in every aspect of your pet business. Ultimately, a sound marketing strategy for a pet shop is not just about offering the highest quality products and services. Effective business marketing is also based on establishing good relationships with others. That costs little or nothing but is always priceless.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Building Better Batteries

Building Better Batteries Building Better Batteries Building Better BatteriesIf Mya Le Thai has her way, the lithium-ion batteries that power your smartphone and other mobile devices will last forever.Thai, a doctoral candidate in chemistry at the University of California, Irvine, and her team developed a materie from gold nanowire that recharged more than 200,000 times with no loss of capacity or power. Most nanowire-based batteries typically die after 5,000 to 7,000 cycles.Thai used her materie in a 1.2 volt capacitor, which shares the same chemistry as a battery. The capacitor could have withstood countless more cycles, but she grew tired of running the tests and pulled the plug after three months. I didnt want to wait anymore, she said.Researchers have been probing nanowires, which are thousands of times thinner than a human hair, for years. Nanowires have a higher surface area than films of the same material used in capacitors and lithium-ion batteries, and can therefore handle more power. But heat generated in the devices causes those fragile wires to expand, turn brittle, crack, and delaminate, shortening the life of the device.Thai drew from her background in materials science and energy storage to build a capacitor with longer nanowire life. She created the capacitor from a gold nanowire to transmit electricity and coated it with manganese dioxide, which is commonly used as a cathode in batteries.The testing electrode was cycled up to 200,000 times over three months without detecting any loss of capacity or power. Image MITTo prevent the wires from degrading during thermal cycling and to prolong the life of the capacitor, Thai covered them with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), or Plexiglas. In gel form, PMMA is not only strong, it is also an electrolyte.In a series of tests, Thai discovered that decreasing the gels viscosity increased its conductivity. Balancing conductivity and protection was key. It took two or three tries to get the percentage right, to reach 200,000 cycles, she said.PMMA is clearly the secret sauce, and Thai is mucksmuschenstill trying to figure out exactly why. She has several theories. On one hand, the viscous PMMA blocks the manganese dioxide from pulling away from the gold nanowires during thermal cycling.In one experiment, Thai noticed that after several weeks, the gel had permeated the manganese shell, where it acted as a plasticizer. Its elasticity prevents the shell from cracking and breaking down during heating and cooling.The packaging of the devices was built in such a way that no material was lost, she said. If you dont lose the material, you dont lose the charge.The team is conducting more research to reduce the amount of gel needed without decreasing the capacitors performance, and to increase its voltage, energy density, and charge. Theres the possibility it will take a lot more engineering work to make this better, Thai said, adding that lithium-ion batteries made from the material could hit the market in five to 10 years.Read the latest issue of the Mechanical Engineering Magazine.The packaging of the devices was built in such a way that no material was lost. If you dont lose the material, you dont lose the charge.Mya Le Thai, University of California, Irvine

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Gossip, Deception and Resume Cover Letter

Gossip, Deception and Resume Cover Letter Its possible for you to print your letter by means of a laser printer and ought to also utilize 24-lb. Utilize Your Judgement Submitting the same resume to each job that you apply for can be harmful to your job hunting practice. Upon delivery and you would like some more editing youll be able to inform the professional about it. You should demonstrate to the prospective employer that you comprehend the work requirement and youre prepared to work in the lokalitt. The letter gives detailed info on why youre qualified for the job which you are applying for. Always make sure you state the position youre applying for. The applicant should talk a little for their qualifications and experiences. Its therefore unnecessary to compose a generic, uniform titel letter, not as much copy a sample cover letter from the net, and utilize it with the hopes of obtaining a positive reaction. A sample is able to help you decide what things to have in y our letter, and the way to format the letter. Read through some samples, and customize your own letter so that it shows why you ought to be selected for an interview. If you would like professional cover letters its the proper spot. Your first chance to come alive is the way you go beyond your resume cover letter format to produce your letter better. Before you will begin writing your very first or maybe not first cover letter, you must know a document structure. The cover letter example and template provided here are in a fundamental format that will satisfy the requirements of the majority of jobs. When you would like to call up that template, here is what you do. ur cover letter templates will reveal to you just how to earn your document as impressive as possible. A copied letter isnt going to help fulfill the objective. It is not the exact same to read a pdf than it is to get a difficult copy. You would like to send a single copy of several different accounting cover lett ers. The Good, the Bad and Resume Cover Letter Your cover letter is able to help you take that excess amount of control over your application package. For instance, you must make certain you are in possession of an expert email account. Using a totally free sample edit is also an excellent way to discover who can best edit your important document, and you would like to be aware of the specific deadline for having your document returned to you. In the rare case you are not able to get any particular info, leave that part out. Job vorstellungsgesprch Strategies for Older Workers When you go for a work interview, keep in mind that you will likely be interviewed by somebody who is younger than you, and thus dont become embarrassed or unnerved by the scenario. Suggestions to compose the winning resume cover letter will certainly help you in the job hunt. Cover Letter Writing The procedure for writing a Cover Letter thats personalized for each specific job is among the most diffi cult regions of the job searching process in line with the feedback received from our community. Bear in mind that if your objective doesnt match the work opening I am screening for, its unlikely I will call you for an interview. The purpose behind writing the letter is to create the prospective employer mindful of the position youre applying for. No one wants to read your resume once again in cover letter and you must bear in mind that. First things first, dont forget that a cover letter is much like a tool marketers use to be in a position to acquire customers to purchase something. The cover letter provides the job seeker a chance to connect with the reader and even demonstrate a little more of their nature and passion for their work. A cover letter thats composed by means of a person for the very first time needs to be accomplished so after considering so many facets.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Is Hiring a Friend a Good Idea - Spark Hire

Is Hiring a Friend a Good Idea - Spark HireYou have an open position on your kollektiv or in your company, and you know someone that would be perfect for the job. In fact, they are actually searching for a job right now and this would help them out tremendously. Only problem is, theyre your friend- and a good friend at that. Its a question that a lot of people in the working world have asked themselves before is it a good idea to hire a friend?There are a lot of conflicting ideas on the topic and a lot of people will say, Absolutely leid right off the bat. However, if the situation is right and you can maintain a professional demeanor, it may not be such a bad idea. There are a couple of things you need to consider though before you decide to hire a good friend of yours.First and foremost, you need to remember that regardless of how close you are with your friend, hiring them may change the dynamic of your friendship. You are opting to bring them into a part of your world that they w ould otherwise be separated from, and that can cause many issues. In the same respect, it could change how you feel at work as well. If you hire your friend and they end up not working out, it could reflect poorly on you with superiors and other team members. That said, lets take a look at some of the things you should deeply consider before you decide to hire a friend.Work RelationshipFor starters, you should assess what your working relationship would be with your friend if you decided to go ahead and hire them. Will they be directly under you, or are you simply hiring them for a position in another department? If you are hiring them for another department, then it may be much easier to go through with hiring a friend. However, if you are their direct manager and they have to follow your orders or directions, things could get really tricky. Right away the dynamic of your friendship may be altered if there are different power levels between the two of you. If you never worked toget her before, then most likely your friendship was based on an equal level of respect. If you are suddenly placed on a level above your friend, your friendship may really be comprised.On top of that, it may be very difficult for you or your friend to maintain a professional relationship in the office. If you have to give them directions and they do not follow them, how do you deal with the situation? Do you let it slide because you dont want to reprimand your friend? If you take this course of action, you may be compromising your own job.QualificationsIf you decide that you can, in fact, maintain a professional relationship at work and are fine with having to give your friend orders then you have to think about their qualifications next. Are they truly qualified to fill this position? They are your friend, so you may carry a biased opinion. Before hiring a friend, have a coworker or another member of the team take a look at their resume and application. Do they think they are qualifie d enough to fill the position? What issues do they have with their resume or past work experience? If it turns out that other HR professionals or coworkers dont think your friend is qualified, then you may have to move on and pass on hiring them.ProfessionalismIf your friend checks out on all levels and other managers feel as though they are qualified to fill this role, then the last thing you need to consider is if you can still be professional with a friend on your team. Friendship is an important factor in everyones life, but so is your job or your career. If this is a very good friend of yours, chances are you are very close and know much and more about each other. You have spent time with each other, and it has probably never been in a professional setting.If you choose to hire a friend, then you need to be sure that you do not treat them any different than your other employees or team members. In order to maintain a professional reputation at work you cannot show favoritism fo r your friend over other employees. As stated earlier, this can be very difficult if you are their boss and you must reprimand them for mistakes made or issues with their work. If you arent professional and show favoritism to your friend, you can create ripples within the team and have many and more issues to deal with. This can in turn make your work life miserable. On top of that, if your friendship is compromised, your personal life can get pretty miserable as well.Hiring a friend is, of course, your decision in the end, but you need to be sure you think it through very carefully. Mixing your personal life with your professional life can make things very difficult for you on many different levels. However, if you think you can deal with all of the obvious cons, then hiring a friend may be great for both you and your friend.Have you ever considered hiring a friend? Have you hired a friend in the past? How did it work out? Let us know about it in the comments section belowIMAGE Cou rtesy of Flickr by Yandle